It is hard to say a perfect utopian environment. No utopian environment comes without the dystopic side. That is why those stories are called a utopic/dystopic book. Also our world is not perfect at all. Everything seems to have a bad side and even the simplest things can be followed up with something bad. For example, riding your bike can be fun and entertaining but it can also lead to a concussion if you hit your head hard enough which can happen simply by bumping over a rock. This makes it super hard to imagine everything. So right now I am going to try and think of every childhood dream, every adult wish, every selfless or selfish desire.
I would make it so that travel is quick and easy. It wouldn’t cost so much to go to the other side of the world. I would also make travel as safe as it could be with a record of no injuries since it had been built and forever from that time. I would do this because my best friend/cousin lives in Alaska and often since her mom died, she hasn’t been able to come for Christmas. I only get to see her in the summer and Christmas time if I’m lucky. I have many fond memories with her and I often miss her very much.
I would also make there be no health problems because they limit the world. I often see the world as a giant handicap. Humans could do so much individually and as a whole if we didn’t have anything holding us back or scaring us away. People wouldn’t have diabetes or cancer and everybody would die by natural means. Yes heartbreak is something that we all need to experience but it doesn’t have to be by someone dying.
I also have always wanted a personal horse. I would like there to be a genie or something that grants wishes in each family for everybody to have one selfless wish per week. I would wish for a horse. However, the genies must be wise enough to see the future of what the person will do with that power. They have to make sure for example that I don’t want to use the horse to run over an old person.
In conclusion, people need to watch what they do with their utopian places. It should be used lightly and have everything taken into consideration.